help changing dining chandalier and centered , balcony refresh
florida 1980s condo needs a refresh starting with smaller projects like changing hanging lamp and have centered as well as doing something with balcony.. plz help thnx in advance
Ground level patio needs some privacy AND personality
I have a long, narrow ground floor patio space that I never use for a number of reasons. One is zero privacy. I used wood clamps to successfully hang christmas decorations this holiday and I want to use them to create a six foot curtain on the far end of the patio. In addition, I've always had these metal chairs and the…
Waiting for some advice
I have been living in my house for several years now, and recently I feel that the door is a bit monotonous. I want to add a decoration to embellish it. I think some people will put flags on both sides of the door frame. I think I can give it a try, and I am someone who likes military surroundings. How about having an…
Front Porch Ideas?
Hi! My poor front porch is in need of some assistance. I plan on trying to power wash the brick and generally cleaning it up. But any ideas for giving it more curb appeal? I was kind of thinking about painting the alcove walls and maybe even painting the tile in front of the brick?
What are the best plants for a vertical garden?
I am trying to discover from experience which plants you think are ideal for vertical gardens indoors.
I'm looking for gardening tips for beginners. How do you know what to grow?
Does anyone here pride themselves on having a green thumb? Can you share some beginner tips with someone (read: me 😅) who doesn't know where to start with gardening? I'm wondering how you know what to grow in different conditions. There's so much information online. Any tips are appreciated!
Outdoor shower
Does anyone have any ideas for an outdoor shower?
Do you have any outdoor spaces or balconies that you’ve decorated?
Do you have any outdoor spaces or balconies that you’ve decorated? If so, how'd you go about making it look good but also useful?
Where are you lounging during these warmer days?
I don't know about you, but it's starting to feel like summer in upstate NY! Show me where you'll be lounging during these warmer days. I'm usually on the outdoor sofa that my dog is sprawled across: The awning keeps me semi-shaded while still getting to enjoy the outdoors ☀️
Best place to shop for outdoor furniture/decor?
I want to give my backyard a little love! Where are your favorite places to shop for outdoor furniture and decor? 🏠: Carina Casanovas
Polywood Bench
I was on the fence about Polywood until I found this one at Costco and needed something for my covered porch. It was the perfect size and easy to assemble. Here are my flower girls enjoying it!
My Home Philosophy
Before home was known as "the butterfly house", it was called "the jungle house" by some neighborhood children who walked with their parents during covid. My home i s always friendly and encouraging for people to interact with nature.
Our backyard oasis makeover
Excited to share a sneak peek at our big backyard makeover. It was four years in the making. When we bought our home in 2019, there was nothing in the yard but a slab of concrete and an old fence. We took our time and added a patio, a new fence, landscaping and outdoor furniture and decor. One year at a time. We're really…
Updated Porch Area
My wife and I recently added some greenery to our outdoor space. We've sourced the plants from FB Marketplace & Brooklyn Plantology.