January Cure 2025 - Tasks & Discussion



  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Hi Lara! No need to feel anxious! You can tackle your living room artwork whenever you'd like — even if it fits outside our schedule. Fridays (so today!) is a choose your own adventure task day. I encourage you to play around with that today since it's making you uneasy having bare walls (I don't blame you!). The artwork task comes on day 17. Here's the full calendar so you can see the schedule. Here if you need any tips or advice along the way!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Happy Friday! It's officially round 2 of "Pick a task and treat yourself!"

    Is anyone tackling their bathroom clutter, or are you playing catch up? I'm going to look through my medicine cabinet and toiletries under the sink. Who knows what I will find under there! Share your progress below 😄

  • leegee4768
    leegee4768 Posts: 5

    Too busy of a Friday and evening ahead, so I will count treating myself by enjoying a night out with friends tonight! I will be clearing bathroom clutter tomorrow and doing what I can to work ahead a little bit as I'll be traveling all next week. The Cure keeps me motivated to keep going even if or when I fall behind on the prescribed task of the day. Progress Not Perfection! Thanks!

  • ElanaL
    ElanaL Posts: 3

    My Day 9 save the day is to sit and have a cup of tea. I find that the ritual of boiling the water, waiting the 4 minutes to brew, and then just sitting with my mug very grounding. I often find I do this before I go get my kids from school 🤣, but also anytime I am feeling overwhelmed.

  • I want to learn how to have my profile picture on my comments. I would like to see more profile pictures on comments. I have read and re-read the "directions" on how to do this and it doesn't work. Can anyone help me with this. Maybe I will see if I can get assistance with starting a new chat? ☺️(No that's not me - lol.)

  • AllDeserveExcellence
    AllDeserveExcellence Posts: 10
    edited 2025 01

    Profile pictures increase a sense of community. Just typing into unknown boxes does not feel like an "enjoyable conversation with people." Although insight is still found. I do love this site more each time I venture around in it. There are many "daily motivations" received by reading how others are benefiting from this site. However, I'd like to see more fellow readers' faces, making it more "peopley".

    SOOOO… I want to learn how to have my profile picture with my comments and for those who'd also like to be seen as part of being heard, I would like to see more profile pictures with their comments.

    I have read and re-read the "directions" on how to do this and I cannot get it to work. Can anyone help me with this? I will see if I can gain assistance by starting this new chat? ☺️(No that's not me - lol.)

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682
    edited 2025 01

    Hey there! Thank you for this feedback 😀 Happy to help!

    To update your profile photo, you need to:

    • Click on the icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen next to the message (envelope) button
    • Click Account & Privacy Settings
    • You will be redirected to a page that looks like this:
    • Expand the arrow for About Me
    • Here, you can upload a profile photo and hit save

    Once you save, your profile should update and reflect in the forum shortly. Let me know if you run into any issues!

  • AllDeserveExcellence
    AllDeserveExcellence Posts: 10
    edited 2025 01

    I did the steps. (I actually, had done them prior also.) It loads it to my profile page but doesn't appear to change my comment picture. It is still a puzzle piece. I even changed out the picture and re-sized a different one to fit. ?? You can see the puzzle piece next to my profile name does not have a picture.

  • Green
    Green Posts: 6

    Absolutely agree- opting out of unsolicited mail really cuts down on paper waste. Thank you for the thoughtful comment and links.

    (AT: Maybe this could be a future assignment on a Cure calendar!)

  • ZoePatricia
    ZoePatricia Posts: 5

    HELP with the recliner situation. My dh spends a lot of time in his recliner it is his spot. It looks great when he and his sheltie are in it but it has a sad underwear kind of look when he is gone. there is the lumbar pillow and heating pad and dog blanket. I am thinking if they all were covered to match it would look ok even if slightly messy. maybe all grey with texture. or something whimsical like a dog toile, Any ideas on elevating the recliner corner . soon everybody will be gone and reset will commence.

  • user9388445
    user9388445 Posts: 10
    edited 2025 01

    Not sure if I got this idea from AT or not — probably!😊— but we started putting away living and dining room decorative items away in our Christmas boxes to make more room for holiday decorations. This helps make everything look beautiful and more serene for the holidays.
    That is my cheat for the living room reset.

    Now that the holiday decorations are packed up (my big task this weekend), I am taking my time reintroducing the normal stuff—and enjoying the emptier spaces.
    My treat is relaxing and enjoying a new novel this weekend. (In keeping with my word(s), “at ease.”) I also aim to tackle the sideboard table in our bedroom which is a paper pile magnet.

  • therapt1182
    therapt1182 Posts: 9
    edited 2025 01

    Zoe Patricia, you asked for:

    ZoePatricia Posts: 52:24PM

    HELP with the recliner situation

    Honestly, I think it would look fine without all that; if you just folded the three beige items and tucked them into a wicker or rattan basket (ideally with a lid, hah), next to or just behind the recliner, for easy access but invisible. The solid blue-grey fabric of the recliner is soothing and goes fine with all the nice blues you have in the room (rug, decor on mantel). I get why you hate the look of it as in the pic, but wwhy not try a quick fold-up or roll up of the blanket, and tuck away that and the heating pad and cushion in a basket? Buying a nice basket will cost you less that most other solutions. I'll try to find a photo of the kind I'm thinking of and post a bit later.

    Edited to add this photo: This lighter rattan seems it would work better in your room than the other one I posted; this too is from Pottery Barn, but again you could do better on price, I suspect. Don't know what that weird grey square is; no doubt my lacking tech skills. Anyway, have fun!

  • therapt1182
    therapt1182 Posts: 9
    edited 2025 01

    This shade is wrong—but the shape is nice. It is from Pottery Barn, but I imagine you could find a much less expensive one. I might also look for a lighter color to go better with your nice floors and white table and mantel. It could easily tuck under the window or behind the recliner. Good luck; let us know what you do!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Eeek okay, sorry about that! Let me troubleshoot with the team when everyone's back online next week. I'll ping you with an update soon!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682
    edited 2025 01

    I would personally lean into some other textures rather than try to match the recliner itself. What about a nice sheepskin throw or a thick wool blanket to keep them cozy when they're there? Alternatively, you could find a nice basket to keep next to the recliner to put away the blankets and pillow when not in use!

    Note: I'm just seeing the suggestions on the baskets above, and this is exactly what I had in mind! You can totally make it work 😊

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    This is such a great hack! I love that you're easing into it and enjoying the process

  • AllDeserveExcellence
    AllDeserveExcellence Posts: 10
    edited 2025 01

    Hi @ZoePatricia

    I understand how hard it is to make that bulky ever so comfy recliner not look like a bruised toenail on a well-manicured foot. We have two. What if you add a small table with a lamp that embraces it? A table that fits the rest of the room AND, definitely says, "Hey, I'm with him/her." You could put something on the table that is your dh's beside the lamp such as a book or an interesting container for his remote or glasses. You can't fight the presence of "The Recliner In The Room." It can only be embraced. LOL. I do not claim to be a professional by any means. I have fought the "Recliner Battle."

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    @AllDeserveExcellence happy to see your profile pic showing up now! Did it finally sync up, or did you try something new?

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    This looks fabulous, Lara! I'm so glad you went ahead and played around with your artwork and decor. Great job! I'm loving the blue and red color combination in here

  • https://community.apartmenttherapy.com/profile/DanielaAraya

    I did not do anything else, it just started to work. Your help and follow through are greatly appreciated. .

    Re: Happy to see your profile pic showing up now! Did it finally sync up, or did you try something new?

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Oh good! I'm glad it worked. I really appreciated your thoughts on more folks having their profiles set up, too — hope to make some improvements to encourage this soon! Also, I thought I'd share a tip on replying to threads here. You can click "Quote" under the comment you want to reply to, and it will carry through the comment you're responding to in your reply, or you can simply tag the user by typing "@" followed by their username 😊

  • lauren9968
    lauren9968 Posts: 2

    Hi! Could anyone get the day 11 assignment to load? The link in both the email I received yesterday and the one that’s linked from the Cure calendar don’t load for me. Thanks!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Hi Lauren! Our day 11 task is about the 2-minute rule. Does this link work for you? LMK!

  • Zephy
    Zephy Posts: 53 ✭✭✭
    edited 2025 01

    @lara1166 — Love your living room! So glad you have a piano — it makes it look like home to me. (Including the mismatched piano bench — I have one of those too.) It looks comfy and cozy and refreshingly normal.

  • MeganBakerDetloff
    MeganBakerDetloff Posts: 114


    Hi, and welcome to day two, week three of the January Cure! I'm Apartment Therapy's home projects director, Megan, and I'll be on the forum all day to chat with you. I'm so excited to be doing the Cure alongside you all — I've always been a fan, and I'm so delighted to bring a little home projects spin to this AT classic!

    If you missed it, yesterday's task was using the 2-minute rule to complete a project around your house. What did you do with your two minutes? I replaced a few burnt-out can lights and was so happy to call that project done!

    Today's task is to do an audit of your home. What projects are on your list for this year? I'd love to hear what you have planned!

    If you want to talk through this task or need some advice, please feel free to comment on this thread. I'll be in the Cure Community forum today to offer my help! Can't wait to Cure with you :)

  • I do see the benefits of "ALL" the assignments in January Cure (eventually, as some tasks may seem far removed from the goal at first). It beautifully comes together creating a useful "mindset tool" for  keeping up with organizing and cleaning our living environment throughout the year.
    Thank you!

  • user9388445
    user9388445 Posts: 10

    Love the two minute rule and tackling some loose knobs, squeaky door hinge and replaced the shower head. My big project is recovering the dining room chairs.

    Was looking at the tool kit list from today and wondering if there is a good how to to fix dings and holes, match paint etc. Our walls are plaster/house is old so want to get off on the right foot.

  • dialedin7047
    dialedin7047 Posts: 5

    The two-minute rule frustrated me, because it takes five minutes to first gather my tools. I love the idea but I'm not sure this is realistic. Anybody else?

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    Woo! Glad you liked the two-minute rule. What types of dings/holes are you working with? Matching paint, especially in an old home, can be tricky because so much wear happens over time. Is it a large area you'd need to touch up?

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    I'm sorry you found it frustrating! The goal with the two-minute rule is to take advantage of smaller pockets of time to tackle those pesky tasks on your to-do list. Even if it's a little over two minutes, you're still making moves to improve your home! Did you try today's task of gathering your tools? That should help speed up the process ☺️

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    We've made it to task 13! Today is all about getting your tool kit together. I love this task because I'm always rummaging through my closet to find tiny things like picture nails and a hammer. Future me will be very happy once this is done haha. How's everyone else doing?

  • Hi, I also had to give thought to this "two-minute rule."

    Then I decided to give it a run. Weirdly, with washing my dog's beard and ears. Not exactly a traditional house chore. However, a chore that was bugging me and one that I kept putting off the last couple of days "until I had more time." (It really "ONLY" took me 5 minutes.) My mind stopped nagging me. (I had spent way many more minutes being bothered by his sour beard - from when my husband had given him cottage cheese-lol.)

    My point? It made sense. The next day, I went on to another "actual" two-minute "house task." I cleaned out the tubing in my vacuum cleaner - less than 2 minutes. (Old approach, wait until I can take apart and clean the entire vacuum.) These aren't repairs but the two-minute approach works. I would add the word "focus" to it. "Two-minute focus rule" … at the time of your choosing. It can be productive.

    I agree with you, your tools or supplies have to be organized ahead of time (just the basics) and stored to have easy access. I am working on TASK 13 as we speak.

  • user9388445
    user9388445 Posts: 10

    Small chips and dings mostly on the moulding around doors, windows and fireplace. Nothing greater than half an inch. Maybe just get a little paint and give it the two-minute treatment?

    (I agree with the other poster that gathering the tools can take time, but for me the two-minute rule was more about jumping in and starting. How many things in life can be solved by that approach?)

  • jeanne9marie
    jeanne9marie Posts: 4

    I was away for a few days, so didn't do anything for the weekend. I also thought I missed Monday and Tuesday, but I accidentally did those anyway. Yesterday, I was finally putting away Christmas and wanted to try putting the tree away in a wooden "pirate" trunk that was empty. I had some roller ball bearings that I had purchased to put on the feet of the trunk so that it would roll. So that was my "two minute" activity. It did take me a bit of time to find the right wood screws to use, but I already had them and I knew where the other tools were that I needed. It took about 15 minutes rather than 2, but it's done! As for the "audit", I have a running list of projects that need doing. Some have been on the list a long time, others appear suddenly and need to be done urgently, so they get fast tracked. I am working now on an inventory of my possessions, mainly just to see how much stuff I actually own and hopefully inspire me to own less. As for tools, I have them all and probably some I can let go of. It's really nice to have the things I need when I need them though, and they are reasonably well stored and organized at this point.

  • Annie
    Annie Posts: 14 ✭✭

    For my 2 minute task, I cleaned a part of my kitchen wall that had accumulated some grime. I'm still working on my walk-through list. Today's task was easy, because I already have tools coming out my ears. I inherited a lot of tools from my father, including some real treasures - my husband and I are still figuring out what some of them are!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    I can so relate to the chore of needing to clean your dog's beard 🙃 But this is what I love about this rule! It can really be applied to anything, and when you start to think about it, it's more about getting you in the habit of doing those tiny things that we put off in our head that don't take up an incredible amount of time. Awesome job!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    This!! Completely agree. Yes, give it a try! You probably won't notice the difference in paint for touch-ups that small. If you wanted to get really technical about matching, I have a color sensor tool that I use sometimes to get me closer to a paint color—but it really only makes sense to buy it if you plan to use it more than once. Good luck!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    That's so cool! I wonder if anyone in our community could identify some of the pieces

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    It's home project time, people! Day 14 is about planning your home maintenance project. What are you choosing from your audit list? Mine will be a painting job around the house. Anyone else doing paint projects?

  • therapt1182
    therapt1182 Posts: 9

    It's home project time, people! Day 14 is about

    planning your home maintenance project

    . What are you choosing from your audit list? Mine will be a painting job around the house. Anyone else doing paint projects?

    I am! But my list goes like this:

    1. Call my top three fave painters and see when I can schedule them to present bids for the job of repainting the family room and two adjacent hallways in a Valspar color called "Night Light," a creamy ivory shade that will work well with our plantation shutters and will both lighten/brighten and coordinate with existing items. It's a yucky grey right now (I love grey but not this particular purple-grey).

    2. Choose the best bid and schedule the job.

    3. Let them do the rest.

    Sorry, but while I do a whole lot of my own work here, I am a truly terrrrrrrible painter, and it would certainly reduce the value of our home if I tried a DIY on this project.

    But I can report good success with the weekly schedule of cleaning and other Cure tasks. My baseboards look great, finally, and there is not a single piece of laundry out of place. Floors shine, clutter is picked up, and hey, it's a pretty nice house when it's clean and cleared out. Thank you, Daniela and January Cure!

  • dialedin7047
    dialedin7047 Posts: 5

    This Is helpful, Daniela, to clarify the purpose of the two-minute rule task. Also helpful to read the community's comments. Thank you.

  • user1925998
    user1925998 Posts: 6

    what a fun way to keep track, thanks for the printables.

  • dialedin7047
    dialedin7047 Posts: 5

    I collected all the expired meds under the sink and took them to the Walgreens pharmacy secure recycling bin. Easy peasy and it feels like a huge load lifted!

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    That's such a beautiful creamy shade. Please share photos after! And no shame in bringing in the pros to paint. I recognize that I'm an anomaly when it comes to enjoying the painting process. Or at least that's what I tell myself since I do so many paint jobs at home 🤭

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    We made it to the end of week three, and it's Friday! You know what that means? Task and treat day.

    I'm going to try the washing machine cleaning trick. Will report back later. Share your Friday wins below ☺️

  • therapt1182
    therapt1182 Posts: 9

    Today I am looking over my probably-too-elaborate Task 2 cleaning list, which is a checklist of daily, weekly, and monthly items I made/customized from a free download, paper-clipped to a 30-day-clutter clearing challenge (also customized).

    Wow, has this helped me stay on target. So far having that checklist has inspired me to do MORE than I planned, and I just give myself extra checks each day I do more! Also it's a llittle grace for when it's a very busy day, or it's my day to cook (we trade off, 3 days on, three days off, and a takeout or go out or forage day). So I do more of The January Cure on my non cooking days.

    Floors are looking fabulous because I actually like doing floors. Clutter and drawers, well, they still need improvement and may require a February Cure too.