My family is moving into a rental apartment abroad and this will be my 4-year-old son’s bedroom.
Any ideas of how to transform this chandelier into a more child’s bedroom-friendly piece without removing or replacing it?
Remove the hanging beads if possible. Cover bulbs with the small lampshades made for this that have a metal wire that clips onto the bulb. I see many in second hand stores. Spray paint them if they are soiled.
I would tie origami animals or folded paper aeroplanes using something 'invisible' like fishing gut or something from the chandelier. I imagine having simple child-relevant items 'hovering' below the light will detract from it. No way to reduce it more without removing it I'd say. Good luck!
Not sure if painting is an option? If painting is not an option, remove the crystals and treat the lighting like a mobile. Hang figures of whatever your child likes on it, plastic dinosaurs, big colored blocks, plastic planets and spaceships, etc.
I agree with @natalie8827, if you can try to re-imagine it as more of a hanging mobile of sorts, by adding to it, hanging kid-friendly lightweight decor (paper, I imagine, and as she said, origami maybe.) This is certainly a tough one. Our go-to electrician has very reasonable rates for hanging and re-hanging lighting in case you just can't find a solution, maybe start there?