Does anyone have any methods for folding clothes really nice?
Visit a clothing store and observe how clothing is folded on displays and tables. Tee shirts, for example, are folded very nicely at Target. If you can go into a clothing store that's not busy, ask a salesperson if they would mind showing you how they fold shirts and jeans. Then go get them a little gift card for coffee or a treat. I buy several of these each month to give away to folks who give good service or have an especially nice attitude.
Another thing you can try is to look at how Marie Kondo or Martha Stewart fold clothing. Good luck to you.
I got very, VERY good at folding clothes when I worked at a clothing store.
I can tell you how a lot of the clothing stores do it! This gadget, which is very affordable.
I second this entirely! A trick I've learned to achieve that "store look" for shirts is to use a magazine or folder (whatever you have handy!) as a guide. You place the shirt face down (and smooth it out), take a magazine or folder and place it between the two sleeves right below the collar, then fold each side of the shirt a third of the way in, using the magazine as a guide to keep it neat. Take the bottom half of the shirt and fold it up in half so the hem meets the collar and slide out the magazine.
(stares at pile of clothing on corner chair) 😂 I'm feeling inspired reading this! My drawers are a mess
I'll second Marie Kondo. I learned fancy clothing folds a long time ago working at a high-end store, but Marie has good methods that are also practical (especially if you don't have a fancy closet the size of an entire store).
I agree - I have probably too much by way of clothing, but I love, in particular, Kondo's t-shirt sorting method. Saves major space and you can see all your t-shirts. No more digging around in your drawers! I just need to follow that method for the rest of my drawers… maybe a new project to tackle!
I own a Flip-Fold & luv it. You still need to brush out the wrinkles but it keeps everything the same size. Bought on HSN & found also in 2ndhand stores.