Recipe Chaos!

how do y’all organize your recipes?? I print out my faves from nutritionists and then stack into categories, but that’s where they stay. Big piles of paper!! SO much to look thru when I need one. Would love to know how everyone else manages. Thanks for the help!


  • Mmbryce
    Mmbryce Posts: 3

    I put mine in binders by category, I.e. Fast and Easy, Soups, Desserts, so I can find what I want.

  • TerriPous
    TerriPous Posts: 33


    I have a recipe box for any physical recipes! I got it at HomeGoods, there were a couple to choose from

  • JDeMuro
    JDeMuro Posts: 1

    I do the same, but it’s online so it’s easier to search. Just snap a photo of the recipe, ideally with a scanning app so you can make it black and white for readability, and detect the corners to correct for any way the camera was skewed. I have an online folder system for recipes, shared with my husband - or anyone else interested.

  • Judyjudyjudy
    Judyjudyjudy Posts: 9

    I put my recipes that include a lot of magazine clippings into binder, in plastic page sleeves. One per category. I used Dollar Store coloured pricing stickers to number them, and made an Index. For example yellow stickers are soups, and then numbered and they stay in the yellow sleeve. Easy to get out just what you want, and put it back in the same place. That said, I have a bit of catching up to doin my filing both of new, and used items. Good luck, it is so nice to be able to find them

  • KLoEditor
    KLoEditor Posts: 2
    1. Get yourself a binder and make it pretty with decor on the cover, lol. Buy some pages with tabs.

    2. Look inside one of your cookbooks that has tabs. Use the titles on the tabs to create your tabs.

    3. 3 hole punch your pages and put them in whatever category suits them best.

    4. If you want a recipe box, buy one that will hold the width of your pages and the depth when folded in half. Use the tabs to sort the categories. Fold your recipe pages and sort into the slots.

    5. Last suggestion, a folder system. Write the categories on the folder tabs, put your recipes in each folder, then put the folders into a box. You can two hole punch the pages and buy yourself the prongs to keep them neatly inside your folder, but that's an extra step.

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 682

    I'm trying really hard to be better about meal prepping and home cooked meals. I think I'm going to get one of these recipe journals from Papier to keep me inspired and organized!

  • my727
    my727 Posts: 22

    I print out the recipe. If I like it "as is" (rare for ME) I just slip that recipe into a plastic waterproof sheet protector and place it into my recipe notebook. I have 2 slim notebooks, not one big fat one.
    But most often usually, I will type it up myself (using talk to text feature on doc) and arrange the recipe in the format I like (with ingredients up at TOP of page and the oven temp in bold face)
    then, I print it out.
    Then I slip each recipe into a waterproof page protector, to protect the recipe from my famous flying sauces which are common when I cook. sigh.
    I place all the recipes into one of my two fairly slim 3 ring binders
    with dividers with labelled tabs
    "Seafood" "Veggies" and so on. I buy a package of tab labels so I can easily re-label that tab after I realize it is not quite what I needed……

    I have my two folders roughly divided into "meals"

    "deserts/holiday foods" because I like slim notebooks.
    ………………… I buy cutesy fabric covered notebooks off of Etsy that match to my hot pink and lime green kitchen, and you can spray that with waterproofing spray. It is probably more sensible to just buy cutesy ones from school supplies aisle that are already wipe-able.
    Now, when you look over your own stack of recipes,
    It "might" seem like an hour or two of work to create one from scratch
    , but —————— I been doing it this way so long, that it is only a few minutes to add in a new recipe.

    YOu can also skip off the "type up your own version" and just place your current recipe into the sleeves as is and place them in the correct category.
    I like online recipes, but, doncha know, I sometimes lose my place, or my phone will RING, or my tablet fades out over time,
    or, after having it made it once, I realize———— "Next time, this needs to cook for 40 minutes, not 20 minutes!" and so on, thus, I type up my own version usually…

    …………..funny addendum to all this———— I am not a good cook! bahhahaha. but I have some mighty cute cookbooks now!! I am ready to keep trying!!

  • losfrangeles
    losfrangeles Posts: 63 ✭✭✭

    I do this too. I also periodically weed out recipes I never end up using to make room for new ones.

  • Dnai_23
    Dnai_23 Posts: 3

    I use They have an app and a plugin for your web browser. I can easily search my saved recipes by name and category. You can also manually add recipes.

  • MaryB
    MaryB Posts: 44 ✭✭

    I have a calendar app COZI. It includes a digital recipe box. You can scan in your own recipes or import from online sites.

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 168


    @user8862877 this is a bit more time consuming, but I was gifted a recipe book where I write down all of the ingredients and directions. time consuming, yes, but it's super sentimental!

  • Morgan333
    Morgan333 Posts: 2

    I created an email account for my recipes to save time. When I am relaxing, I go in and put them into folders. When I am searching for something I have a lot of categories, but it is easier to find something and then print it out if I choose to. This way I don’t need a lot of paper to go through and keep up with also. This allows me to collect many more items and expand my creativity.

  • Cheri
    Cheri Posts: 24 ✭✭

    Pinterest - even when I come across a recipe I want to try in a magazine - I can almost always find it online and save it in pinterest. You can set up folders for categories and you can search so when you have a specific recipe in mind, you can find it in your own pins, or from others across the entire site. I don't have any more binders and piles! Although, my Mom passed away a few years ago; I still have a small recipe box with her recipe cards, in her handwriting. Some are old, back to when I was a child, so I keep these precious and I thumb through them when I am missing her.