
Hello! I'm curious if anyone has a holy grail lego solution. We have many sets ranging from small to massive, and my kids give up quickly on the larger sets when everything is color sorted (as much as color sorting appeals to me, as done in the recent Nate Burkus post)
How much room do you have? I'm always keen on those storage tables that have lots of drawers so you can sort in-process sets but they hide away when not being worked on. I am fully not a parent though so I'll let other Lego pros weigh in!
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Hey @grittyoyster I'm not Lego pro, but my colleague is and he pointed me to this article in the NYTimes which looks darn good to me and has pics! Check it out: The Best Lego Sorting and Storage Tools
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I definitely recommend what Maxwell pointed out above, which looks like an IKEA Trofast: But if you want to DIY something, this LEGO table is super cool:
But if you aren't working with a lot of room and want something that you can put away in a closet, I've heard great things about Swoop Bags.
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Yes, the trofast and an Iris storage option from Adrienne's search link are probably the best suited for our desire to keep sets separate and organized. I have friends who love the Swoop bags, but my own kids get overwhelmed when faced with so many loose pieces to sort through.
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Hi @grittyoyster! I've also read about the "pouch method" when it comes to Lego storage. you use a mesh bag (usually around $10) and label it so the pieces stay together! you can store them in the IKEA TROFAST storage or even use under-the-bed bins. this will help ensure the sets stay together!
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Consider donating them: or to