What's the next decluttering task on your agenda? I'll go first!

CullenOrmond Posts: 167


edited August 29 in Decluttering

By this fall, my goal is to have the space above my kitchen cabinets organized. Right now, I'm using it as a storage space and it looks super cluttered. I want to purchase canvas or plastic bins and label them so it makes my life easier and looks good, too! I'd love to hear what other organizing projects people are working on so I can get inspired!


  • MrsAllnut
    MrsAllnut Posts: 4

    We used to move every few years with the military, so we'd declutter then and it was great! When the movers are telling you how much extra they have to charge, you lose a lot of sentimentality for stuff. But since retirement 14 years ago, we haven't had a mass purge and it shows. The house is so cluttered, it's overwhelming. My first project is the dining/ computer office/ maker space room. It's a room that spans the entire side of the house and it's also the first thing you see when you walk in so I need it to be both attractive and organized. The hardest part for me is actually executing the plans. I have great ideas, a supportive spouse who tells me to go for it, but I get overwhelmed easily by too much stuff and too many options.

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 400

    I'm so overdue for a closet clean-up and clothing purge! I bought under-bed storage but ended up shoving a bunch of clothes under there un-labeled, which caused more of a mess haha. A declutter is definitely in order! I've been wanting to do a clothing swap otherwise I plan to just donate my things

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 167


    hi @MrsAllnut! I completely understand feeling overwhelmed. I feel the same way. I wonder if it'd be helpful to break organizing of that space into a week-long (or month-long!) project and really taking your time? there's also the "Five a Day" method that might come in handy!

  • DanielleBlundell
    DanielleBlundell Posts: 70


    My basement! Wish me luck because it's going to be a beast! Certain areas, like the laundry portion and where I keep holiday decorations, are very organized, but the rest of it feels like a dumping ground in need of major decluttering tlc. 

  • Wen
    Wen Posts: 1

    I have so many projects that need attention. Papers to go through, organize & file. Multiple boxes of stuff inherited from mom, old pharmacy stuff, & clothes I no longer need, junk drawers. I just retired & have time to do a project but just can’t get going. I’m overwhelmed & depressed from back pain & problems walking. Soooo not really sure where/how to get going

  • losfrangeles
    losfrangeles Posts: 63 ✭✭✭

    One drawer at a time. Pace yourself. I decluttered exactly one thing today: dumped out a spice mix I didn’t like and recycled the jar.

    You mentioned pharmacy stuff. Maybe start by calling your nearest pharmacy and asking about disposing of old meds? If they’re expired or your mom’s, there’s no need to let them take up precious space in your home.

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 400

    @Wen I second @losfrangeles' suggestion of taking it slow. Decluttering can be very overwhelming! Do you have someone who can help you go through all the things? Sometimes a buddy system helps me when I'm feeling stuck ❤️

  • Plantriana
    Plantriana Posts: 7

    I have a closet filled with all kinds of random things, from holiday decorations to memorabilia to books to files. I keep throwing things in there and telling myself I'll organize it … someday. My goal is to set it up so that maintaining the organization is super low lift!

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 167


    @Wen I completely agree with @DanielaAraya's suggestion about a buddy system. I live in New York City and one of the most daunting organizing tasks is swapping out winter vs. summer clothes. Last year, I invited some friends over and we had some snacks and went through my whole closet! I even recycled some clothes by giving them some options that they liked! It was a win-win for everyone :)

  • BlairDonovan
    BlairDonovan Posts: 66


    My TV stand DESPERATELY needs a good clean out. It has three drawers and I've packed them all to the brim…so much so that things are always falling out every time I open them. But my struggle with purging is never knowing what to do with all the stuff I don't want!

  • BlairDonovan
    BlairDonovan Posts: 66


  • StephanieNguyen
    StephanieNguyen Posts: 101


    Yes!! @Wen, I agree with everyone here: please take it one step at a time (and sometimes that means taking a step back when you need it). Paper and sentimental clutter are the hardest to get through, so I highly recommend saving these for last and having a buddy there for support for anything that's too difficult to make decisions on. Like @losfrangeles said, old pharmacy stuff especially expired, should be disposed of properly. They take up space and lose efficacy so they don't serve you anymore! They can be the first to go. Next, you can tackle one drawer at a time. Sometimes all it takes is dedicated 15 minutes a day to declutter a drawer and soon you'll build momentum. I wish you all the best and know that you have a crowd of people that can relate to you and are rooting for you!

  • Anna
    Anna Posts: 1

    When parents passed on, we suddenly had lots of stuff in our house! One issue was pharmacy stuff.

    Do not just toss it, or worse, flush it (Scientists have been detecting medications in the water supply, and it can injure wildlife.) My pharmacy has installed a giant red box, shaped like a postal box, for disposing expired meds. That was a very useful development~

  • EAvery
    EAvery Posts: 1

    Papers - I cannot ever seem to get these under control. Currently staring at 5 boxes of papers to sort through.

    I know I need a holding system for the initial sort (shred/recycle/pay/file) then a system and method for the file pile, but not quite sure how to keep them maintained. What are your systems? Any recs for physical storage for those important papers that don't take up too much space?

  • LizzyFrancis
    LizzyFrancis Posts: 61


    What DON'T I need to declutter? I think my main goal right now is, as people get my and I partner gifts from our wedding registry, that I remove all the old things we're replacing. Old mason jars we used as glassware, very old college-era cutlery, martini glasses that were passed down to us that we're replacing with new ones. After all that gets settled in, I think we have another major paper declutter we need to get into and we need to buy a filing cabinet, asap.

  • MaryB
    MaryB Posts: 36 ✭✭

    As I said in another discussion, I have been bring boxes home every weekend and tackle an area. Live in a condo, been here 13 years and I’m afraid to look in storage locker. I can only use things at front because I can’t remember what else is there or get at the back because too much at the front.

  • NikiCreatives
    NikiCreatives Posts: 53

    For me it's probably the proper cable management. It just makes everything so much more organized and satisfying.

  • Zephy
    Zephy Posts: 28 ✭✭
    edited September 16

    Papers and books are my Waterloo. So I've decided to devote this year's Cure to my desk and file cabinet. The desk has 8 drawers plus a surface; the file cabinet has 3 drawers plus a surface. That makes 13 areas to work on, so I figure if I do one a day, that's the Cure, with 1 extra day for catch-up and/or recovery.

    I'm so psyched (and worried) about this that I actually started last night and did the first file drawer! I was pleased to find a few things I could dump, and I realized I don't actually have all that many "reference papers." My main problem is sentimental papers and my writing, which fills a second drawer. I have tons of past writing projects, most unpublished, plus a few that got published and have contracts. (My current projects are on the computer, which also needs to be organized, but that's for another Cure!) Plus some fat files of letters. Lots of emotions attached! This is going to be hard.