I have a 1960 chest. I would like to add a white dresser or I dont have any idea how to place furniture around this small space. Please help
I love the little alcove that your bed rests in! This seems to be the best placement for your bed, which makes the rest of your space kind of limited. I take it you need more storage because you want to add another dresser. Could you get a bench with built-in storage to put at the foot of your bed? Something like this would look nice and give you a lot of space to put your belongings in (this depends on whether you have enough space in that area in front of your bed — it's hard to tell from the photo!)
Do you have a closet in your room? I wonder if you could work on some creative storage solutions in there. One last thought: how often are you watching TV in your bedroom? Is this something you want to keep? The TV is taking up so much wall real estate there that I would suggest getting a projector (you could have a pull-down screen right above the opening across the bed). They sell mini projectors that start at around $70+ that you could replace if you want to get that wall space back. The TV can always go somewhere else in your home if you have room for it!