My duvet is all flat and leaking feathers :( Do you have any suggestions of fluffy duvets you love?? Or how to keep them that way?!
Hi @TerriPous I don't know how old your duvet is, BUT if it's old AND flat and leaking it's time for a new one. If it's not old, you can try a gentle wash and then a very light dry with a sneaker inside a sock to fluff it up and you will see how far you can get it. ALSO wool dryer balls are excellent for this and also for softening in general and they WON'T smell like your sneakers might… :)
I found this general advice at The Company Store where I get my duvets..
Oh I am so with you, Terri! After reading Maxwell's comment, I'm realizing my duvet insert falls into the old and flat category. Anxiously waiting for everyone's recommendations 😅