What's your favorite way to spend time with/meet new neighbors?

SarahEverett Posts: 51


I'll share a few of mine, but I want to hear yours!

1. Some friends (including some familiar AT faces!) and I recently had a progressive dinner where we walked from apartment to apartment for each course — it was so fun!

2. Movie nights outside/in the park.

3. Sometimes I go to a running club that meets bi-weekly in my neighborhood — it ends at a coffee shop which is the perfect motivation to run, if you ask me.



  • StephanieNguyen
    StephanieNguyen Posts: 101


    @SarahEverett oh my gosh that's so cute (the dinner!). I love to bring homemade cookies and introduce myself — that's what I did when I moved into my current place a couple of years ago. (Browned butter chocolate chip cookies are the best; it elevates a classic!).

  • LizzyFrancis
    LizzyFrancis Posts: 61


    @SarahEverett that's so cute! My downstairs neighbors are great — once a year, I bring them some fresh, warm homemade salsa from the peppers I grow on my deck and that always feels like a nice thing. We have our dog, so when we walk around the neighborhood we also make sure to say hi to familiar faces. :)

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 400

    This whole post is so sweet and inspiring 💛 I've met a lot of my neighbors through walking my dog. A few of them have become dear friends! It's been such a nice way to stay active and do something other than the default of going out for drinks (which does happen, too, but it's nice to have variety!).

    Aside from dog walking — yoga classes, pop-up markets, and spending time in the shops in town have done wonders for me. Everyone's very friendly and chatty where I live, which makes for great conversation and new friendships

  • losfrangeles
    losfrangeles Posts: 63 ✭✭✭

    So far, the best has been Halloween.

    Once, my parents bought a house in September, with a November move-in date. The new neighborhood had a lot of families with kids, so they knew there would be trick-or-treaters. They put up a few easy decorations, turned on the lights, and handed out candy at their new house, despite not having moved in yet (I handled candy duty at the old house). That allowed them to meet a lot of the new neighbors in just a few hours with no pressure.

  • SarahEverett
    SarahEverett Posts: 51


    Love that, @losfrangeles ! My neighborhood has lots of trick-or-treaters, too, so I'm going to keep that in mind! I just went to The Home Depot's Halloween press preview on Tues, and it got me in the spooky spirit. Me in October:

  • SofiaRivera
    SofiaRivera Posts: 21


    HAHA @SarahEverett okay, you're all inspiring me! I always make a point of meeting my building neighbors, but this Halloween I'll be sure to spend some time stationed by my stoop to say hi to more of my block neighbors!

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 167


    @SarahEverett this is such a cute question! I've always made it a point to meet the neighbors across the hall but I just hadn't gotten around to meeting the new person that moved in (life got busy!). however, when New York had that earthquake a couple of months back we were both sheltering in our doorways. luckily, no one was hurt and our apartments are still intact but we immediately exchanged numbers and have texted a couple of times about building-related questions ever since! it was such a unique meeting!

  • Sile
    Sile Posts: 2

    I live on a walking court in a Historic District close to downtown, with a total of 25 houses on it. I have met many of my neighbors since moving here two months ago. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. We have periodic gatherings, and re

    cently had a ceremony when we acquired our Historic Property sign from the state. My dog Luna and I love it here!