What's something you know you should declutter, but you just can't?

CharliPenn Posts: 63


edited August 29 in Decluttering

Even as a decluttering pro, I can admit that there are still some items I just enjoy having one too many of — like coffee mugs, holiday decor and college memorabilia. I try to give myself grace and accept that I'll par those collections down if and when I'm ready, and that's okay. What's something you have a lot of and know you should declutter some, but just can't bring yourself to do it? (No judgments on this thread, promise.)


  • MeganBakerDetloff
    MeganBakerDetloff Posts: 112


    no surprise here: i have a hard time getting rid of things with project potential! i'm trying to be better about letting things go after a set amount of time — if i haven't gotten around to the fix/makeover/upgrade by then, i probably won't do it. mixed success 😅

  • losfrangeles
    losfrangeles Posts: 63 ✭✭✭

    A 20-year-old pet sofa that belonged to my previous cats. I had a special bond with one of them (hand-raised him from a kitten) and that was his spot. If I was working on a project, he was sleeping on the kitty sofa under my work table. He passed away in 2020, but I just can’t get rid of it yet (currently, it’s hiding my ugly internet router). My current cat is indifferent to it.

  • Cheri
    Cheri Posts: 20 ✭✭

    I struggle declutterring closets… it’s just too easy to close the door and pretend I don’t have a problem 🫤

  • CharliPenn
    CharliPenn Posts: 63


    Megan, this is SO true. I have so many little items that I hold onto because I can "just paint them" or "add wallpaper to them" or something to give them a new life. But I never do anything with them which means they become clutter/junk. Do you think a project schedule could help with this, or something? How can we get TO the projects? LOL

  • CharliPenn
    CharliPenn Posts: 63


    edited June 18

    Agreed, @Cheri! My linen closet is truly a disaster but it's so easy to hide it and just move on. Organizers have helped me (when I can find the perfect ones) but even stopping to put the ones I buy into use in my closet can be so overwhelming!

  • CharliPenn
    CharliPenn Posts: 63


    @losfrangeles I'm sorry for your loss. It's so very hard to let go of a pet's items after they're gone. I kept the collar/toys from my childhood dog well into my 30s. I finally let go, but it took over a decade to toss them without crying. I understand!

  • losfrangeles
    losfrangeles Posts: 63 ✭✭✭

    Thank you. I also still have the rest of my previous cats’ stuff, but my cat happily eats off their dishes and plays with their toys. Only the kitty sofa goes unused (except as a hiding device for that ugly router).

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 167


    this is such a great question @CharliPenn! I'm a super sentimental person so I put emotional weight onto every. single. thing. (even a restaurant receipt I'll keep in my memory box!). So I have a huge memory box, but, admittedly, it's grown a bit too much. I'd love to make it a goal this year to start scrap booking instead using the items I'd usually put in my memory box and use those books as coffee table books!

  • MeganBakerDetloff
    MeganBakerDetloff Posts: 112


    wow this is so brilliant! i often feel like some of that sentimental stuff never gets any attention when it's put away in a box but some of my stuff isn't quite pretty enough to frame and display. a scrapbook as a coffee table book?? genius!

  • CharliPenn
    CharliPenn Posts: 63


    I'd like to second @MeganBakerDetloff's reaction to this genius idea @CullenOrmond — I absolutely must make a coffee table book out of my mementos, old photos and keepsakes. Cozy fall craft project loading! If you do it soon, please come back and share photos!

  • AlisonGoldman
    AlisonGoldman Posts: 25


    I'm with @Cheri — I can't seem to get rid of the clothes and accessories in my closet, even if I haven't worn them in a few years. I can always think of a "what if…?" scenario (that usually involves Halloween, ha!).

    I also need to work on my digital clutter — I save screenshots and documents that I'll probably never return to! Does anyone have any suggestions for that?

  • DanielaAraya
    DanielaAraya Posts: 400

    Decluttering cards (like holidays, birthdays, and postcards) is SO HARD FOR ME. I did a big cleanup a year ago, but I still held onto so many cards. They make me so emo, even when the cards don't say much, because they bring me back to a certain/time and place, and I feel bad just throwing them away. I've managed to keep it in one drawer in my crafts cabinet, with the goal of one day making a scrapbook or something. @CullenOrmond maybe we can hold each other accountable?! My husband also has quite a few memory boxes. I think it's super sweet, but they all sit in the closet. Finding a better way to display some of the treasures would be nice!

  • DanielleBlundell
    DanielleBlundell Posts: 70


    For me, it's books! I have a kindle, but I'm very much about that coffee table book life! And regular books, too, since I do like having a hard copy for the beach or the pool in the summer as well as supporting local bookstores by buying them there. We have a ton of those cute lending libraries in town, though, so I'd like to do a drop off at one this week. Why not help someone else out with a free summer read?

  • CullenOrmond
    CullenOrmond Posts: 167


    @losfrangeles I'm in the same boat. my dog passed away last October and I can't bring myself to get rid of her bed and toys. we have a new rescue dog now but he refuses to go in the bed (I think he knows it's a special item!) so we use it to store his toys. pets are the best!

  • gottmeinwasist
    gottmeinwasist Posts: 1

    I have a collection of small mugs from European Christmas markets…currently displayed on a small glass shelving unit. It's busier looking than I'd like but I cannot hang them around the top of the wall as I'd love to. For now, just happy to keep them there (requiring dusting) because of the happy memories.

  • Zephy
    Zephy Posts: 28 ✭✭

    I have a stack of old ID cards, including my childhood library card, some of my college IDs, my first driver's license, IDs from past jobs, etc. There's really no point in keeping these, right? Other than saying, "what a weird haircut" or "Egads, what was I wearing?" I think this might be the year I get rid of them! I'm sort of warming up to it . . .