I’m inquisitive about looking in to the coding of permits issued. I have heard from surrounding neighbors that this 35+ house turned triplex has had a parade of tenants. I’m on the top floor created for a mother-in-law suite. Very little insulation, improper ventilation and many unusual things are unknown to the current property manager.
My neighbor is in the original top part of the house. She has no issues with smokers from the the lower basement apt. I am infiltrated with it.
I’ve found one article on your site for insight on permits.
I’ve gone thru 3 smoking tenants and apartments are difficult to find in the area I live that’s not at least $2,800 to $3,000 . I ve lived here the longest, 10 years. Smoking triggers my migraines.(side note my husband died here during Covid a heart patients,)
We thought to live here temporarily however the market exploded and rent went out of our finances budget. My husbands health deteriorated. My husbands pulmonary physician questioned him if he smoked, and he had not. He said he’s getting smoke from somewhere.
I’m on a month to month contract from the current landlord. During the Covid era the triplex was bought 3 times by Californian owners who saw dollar signs in the housing availability. So in truth I’ve had five landlords. Property managements have been nonexistent except for collections. This particular management is of the belief nonsmoking contracts were not active for years. Our state is supposed to be smoke free.
Any ideas? They smoke directly under my balcony, Also in every room. I’ve complained without results.